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Webmasters - Scott Vivian
Scott Vivian is a major voice in the community, especially over at the NHC On the Web section. His popularity on D'oheth and now Simpson Crazy is due to his cutting-edge designs and dedication to new and interesting content. His news column at Simpson Crazy is second only to Simpsons Channel, and his insight into The Simpsons is second to none.
You formerly webmastered D'oheth, one of the more popular media sites. Were you surprised at receiving a Cease & Desist order?

In a way, yes. You sort of expect one to come sooner or later, but it was still surprising to actually be singled out. It's also quite surprising that Fox or their lawyers didn't look at all the sites I linked to - they could have ended up sending out 5 more C&D's.

What are your interests other than The Simpsons? Any hobbies? What are your favorite books and films?

About a year ago, I told myself I ought to get back into reading books, as I hadn't for ages. I bought a copy of 2001: A Space Odyssey and still haven't finished it! I never seem to make time for reading, and end up only reading when I'm coming home from Uni on the train.

As for films...I don't really have a 'top 10' or anything, but my favourite is probably 'The Shining'. I also dig Oldboy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sin City, Reservoir Dogs and The Incredibles.

I'm a big fan of motorcycle racing, and quite often go out to the circuits to watch races. MotoGP is 100 times more exciting than Forumula 1! I'm not that big on playing sports but I enjoy a bit of football/cricket with mates occasionally. I quite enjoy doing random programming/web design and stuff outside of Simpson Crazy - I spend way too much time at my computer, to be honest...

What is your opinion on the more recent episodes (seasons 16 & 17) of The Simpsons?

Sometimes it doesn't seem like the writers are trying - a lot of the episodes have been a bit bland. Even the better ones don't seem as good as the best episodes of the Scully era. The show is still enjoyable at some level - I'll continue to watch the new episodes because there are still good ones being made. But they're too few and far between for my liking.

What makes a good Simpsons dedication?

Interesting content - it doesn't have to be 100% original, as long as it's interesting and/or fun to read/view. That's the kind of thing that keeps people coming back. I think level-headedness is important, too. Many guys open sites seemingly without even looking at it and thinking about what goes where.

In a recent interview I asked Eric Messinger of Springfield Weekly about all the Brits involved in The Simpsons web community. Rumor has it you are one yourself. Why do you think The Simpsons are so popular in the UK?

Cos us Brits have the best sense of humour, of course! (That's humour with a 'u' by the way.) We brought the world the best comedies, like Monty Python and Red Dwarf, and I hear The Office is popular in the States, too. It's only natural we'd love a great show like The Simpsons - it has a lot of 'quirky' humour too, which is quite a British thing, I think (cf. Little Britain).
You know what else is great about the British? Octopussy!

You've declared yourself a fan of Arrested Development. What makes it such a great show? Do you think there's a chance it could pull a Critic/Family Guy/Futurama?

It's hard to say. It's just an intelligent, well-written show. It is quite different in style from a standard sitcom, and it's more character-based humour which I love. Actually it's a good indication of what the Simpsons might be like if it was live-action (which I hope they never do). I would love to see AD return, and I think there's a good chance, especially with the recent news of a Futurama return.

If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be?

I would be a swivel chair. They're like an octopus on rollerskates - that's gotta be fun. Or Eva Longoria's bed, failing that (you know, it takes a lot of brains to get through Swivel Chair College).

Which Simpsons sites do you visit on a regular basis?

The Simpsons Archive, whenever I want to find out something about an episode quickly. Springfield Weekly always has something interesting to read, and Jukka posts a lot of cool links and stuff on The Simpsons Folder. I check in at the No Homers Club a few times a week, too. And Simpsons Zip, of course

What are some of your favorite content sections in Simpsons sites?

Actually I made a thread in this vein on the No Homers Club last week. There are some great pages around if you look hard enough. The Simpson Archive's 'Super Dude Theory' is a hilarious read, there should be more stuff like this on Simpsons web sites. Springfield Weekly has a theories secton, actually, which is worth a look. There are some cool sections on Cape Feare, a site that seems to be forgotten these days. And no brown-nosing intended, but most of Simpsons Zip is interesting.

The Key to Springfield has now been coming soon for more well over a year. Is it better to open with a moderate amount of content and build or spend an enormous amount of time building with being open?

I love when new sites open with a barrage of content, but I heard about 6 months ago that KTS already had hundreds of pictures or something, which alone is enough to start a site with. It really should be open by now. Then at least the owner wouldn't be killing himself through hard work; seriously, how can anyone spend more than a few hours a day - consistently for months - on a Simpsons web site?

Which Simpsons episodes do you simply hate?

More than I should. The Great Money Caper, Goo Goo Gai Pan, Bart-Mangled Banner, The Old Man And The Key, Sunday Cruddy Sunday and The Lastest Gun in the West to name a few.

Is The Monster Mash a good song or pure novelty?

It is a fantastic song and a fitting tribute to monsters the world over.

Will Simpson Crazy be your last endeavor in the realm of Simpsons sites, or is there a chance you'll go independent again?

I have full reign of the site as it is, so 'going independent' wouldn't really change anything, apart from me paying for stuff. If Ben packs in with the hosting, I'll pick it up and run it alone. The content I've worked on will be online for a long time yet.

Seen any good movies lately?

I saw United 93 a couple of weeks ago - that was fantastic, and really moving. It stays away from the 'Hollywood Blockbuster' mould very well; I don't think that other one about 9/11, 'World Trade Center' with Nick Cage will be anywhere near as good.

What is the number one problem facing the community right now?

A lack of websites. There have been several site closings, and not enough new people and websites, even bad/unoriginal ones, coming into the community. I remember back at Maggied 5 years ago, when new sites were coming out every other day. Maybe everyone is too mean to newbies at the NHC, and we scare them away?

Thing is, it's difficult for new sites to get recognition due to the immensity of the sites with 5-10 years worth of content. A new site would have to work hard to get into the top 10.

But to everyone who's reading this: MAKE A SIMPSONS WEBSITE. NOW!


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Bethlehem, PA