Between 1990 and 2001 The Simpsons were the group spokespeople for
Butterfinger. They filmed 22 TV ads in this time.

Duff Beer
This Duff Beer caused quite a stir when Australian entrepreneur Lion
Nathan introduced it in 1998. Today they sell as collector's items on

Pez Dispensers
The Simpsons finally made their way into the canon of Pez dispensers
in 1999.

Christmas Candies
These 2000 Christmas-themed chocolate balls were manufactured in
Mexico. They weren't too bad.

Jelly Lollipops
These 2001 "jellypops" look a bit less than appetizing.

Kellogg's Cereal Originals (2001)
The Simpsons released their own unsuccessful cereal in 2001. Bart's
were peanut butter and chocolate; Homer's were cinnamon donuts.

Kellogg's Cereal Boxes
OFF flopped on their own cereal, so they decided to take the easy
route out and just put the characters on pre-existing box also in 2001.

These Britain-manufactured cookies didn't quite make it big when they
were released in 2002. It's like stale meets the worst of the Girl

Yes, I did manage to taste these 2002 beverage-concoctions. They were
somehow both sour and bitter at the same time. Go figure.

Candy Cigarettes
2003 saw The Simpsons release one of the more controversial candies
in American history, sugar cigarettes.

The Simpsons release fruit-based sodas in 2004. They were marketed in
the western United States mostly, but like everything else you can find
them on eBay.

Sour Mints
I received a few packs of these 2005 candies for Christmas. They were
surprisingly delicious and made for good coin holders afterward.

Fruit Snacks
These Simpsons fruit snacks could have just blended in and drifted
away along with countless other generic ideas, but they've been slowly
gaining popularity since their 2006 release.