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Webmasters - Adam Wolf
Adam Wolf, next to Jouni, is about as legendary as a Simpsons webmaster can be. He's been around since the beginning, and has recently served as something of a connoisseur on the history of OFF websites. He is widely considered to be one of the best, if not the best, designers.
How does the current state of the community compare to different periods in the past?

There's a lot less competitiveness in my opinion. But that's because my sites were always in the shadow of others, so for example LETS was always trying to chase Evergreen Terrace and The Simpsons Channel was always trying to chase The Simpsons Top 100. But these days there's more of a set level of quality that everybody can see and the sites are in a class of their own. There's huge gaps between one good site and another. There's also less webmasters these days but the community that exists within places like are as strong as ever, they've just run out of things to talk about.

You started designing at a very early time in the community. Did you have any influences back then, or was it pretty much just trial and error?

It probably took me 1 year to get what you'd say is an acceptable design. Before that I had cloud backgrounds, tables with borders, images that weren't anti-aliased, stolen graphics and all the bad sites back then were influenced by each other. I don't consider those bad designs of mine in the general count of designs that LETS has had because there were too many and every site update became a design tweak. I still look back at my designs from 1999 and 2000 and I don't see them as excellent but I guess they were always clean and did the job and that's what makes a good design.

If the Archive and the Folder turned into monsters, who would win in a fight?

The archive, because myself and even Jukka are contributors there. There'd be more substance to that monster. All the contributors would get together and beat the Folder into the ground, although Jukka would be working on the inside to make sure the Archive doesn't damage the Folder beyond repair.

What are some of your other interests? Have you received any honors or degrees?

No. I thought I could get by on being self-taught but turns out employers don't care what you say you can do, even if you have the portfolio to prove it. So I started a degree in multimedia arts this year and I'll be finished that in 2008. My other interests include music, aussie football, being quiet on trips, clapping along with songs and diabetes!

What's the best advice you can give to an aspiring webmaster?

Open your site when it's got actual content. Have a clean design. Don't flood message boards with your annoyingness. I could pretty much see potential in any site if they follow these guidelines.

A semi-major topic among fans is grade-weighting. Are the fans easier on recent episodes, harder, or just right?

I think they are just right if they are rating episodes compared to the last couple of years. But there's way too many episodes getting 5/5 these days and there's no way these episodes are as good as the glory years. Granted when I see a great episode in the current season I'd probably be inclined to give it a high rating just because the rest of the season sucked. There's also a whole group of people that are harder on the current episodes, but those people stopped watching the show regularly in season 12 (and most of those I'm referring to once owned the top Simpsons websites).

Let's talk about the DVD's. How are they? Did you get the alternative box for season six? Which sets do you watch the most?

I haven't actually got Season Six yet because they spent so long releasing the alternative box in Australia -- it just hit the shelves a few weeks ago. But I guess that answers your question, yes, I'm getting the alternate box. I'm just waiting for it to be reduced in price and that happens about a month from now.

I don't watch any of the sets regularly at all. I buy them and I watch them in order, by episode without commentary and then with, before I go to bed. So when I finished watching Season 5 in this way I had nothing else to watch, so I started on other DVDs like Family Guy and Futurama.

What sites (both Simpsons and non) do you visit on a regular basis?

Ah just a bunch of geeky sites which relate to my personal interests. Software, the media, television in general, video games. For Simpsons I visit No Homers on a regular basis but that's about it.

The Simpsons-Family Guy fan-war has cooled down in the past few months, but there is still a significant level of confrontation. Is it all silly nonsense, or is one side more right than the other?

It's all silly nonsense. I enjoy both shows and often find myself looking forward to new Family Guy episodes more than Simpsons. But both sides of the argument have their points, I'd like to see the fans just get together and appreciate the fact that there's more variety in prime time cartoons these days.

What's the most prevalent problem facing the community right now?

Just a lack of new, good sites. Look at the top 5 and they're all major sites with aging webmasters who probably don't appreciate the show as much as they used to. If those sites disappeared there wouldn't be much holding the place together.

You're very able in the field of web design, and your implementation of Flash is nothing short of spectacular. Have you learned more through active self-education or simple practice?

I seriously never thought I'd be able to use Flash when I got hold of it about four years ago. The interface was just bleh and I didn't want to learn it. I ended up buying a magazine with a cover cd which had a video tutorial on the basics of Flash and I learnt everything I know from that. I still can't do much outside of movement of text and lines so there's plenty more to learn and I guess I will eventually under my arts degree.

What is the biggest factor in deciding when to do a re-design?

For LETS it's usually when I'm sick of the design or if the site has had a design for a year or two It'll always be in the back of my mind that it needs a refresh. That said LETS current design is now about 17 years old and I haven't thought about a redesign at all. Maybe for its 10th birthday next March. The Simpsons Channel usually gets a small refresh whenever I feel like the site outgrows its format, as lots of the news sites do.

Make a rough estimate: how many total hours have been spent working on LETS?

Seriously, I couldn't. 9 years. I can't remember how often or little I used to update. I know I spend a couple of hours a month on it these days which isn't much but finding the time is a lot harder than it used to be. Redesigns take forever. So yeah. Can't help you with that question, and if I did work it out I'd probably have to shoot myself for being such a geek.

What's some of your favorite music? Books? Movies?

I don't read because of my short attention span. What was that other thing you wrote? Movies and music. Yeah I like them but I'll be damned if I can narrow down my favourites.

Summarize your plan for the next ten-years in less than fifty words.

Meet my life partner, marry her, have two kids. Work in graphic design or similar. Keep my sites online and un-updated. Eat a giant hoagie.

Oh and did you know The Simpsons Channel, or rather, I, invented Simpsons webmaster interviews. And then a bunch of other sites thought it'd be cool. Plagiarismo de Plagiarismo. How dare you.


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