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In the Community
March 2006 (23 replies/481 views)
Cape Feare is going on five months of graveyard-status. Even past the seeming lack of interest from Romanov is the loss of Cape Feare's forum. No, I was never a big visitor of the place, but the void it left has caused rapid growth in the sub-forums (sub-members, sub-activity, sub-quality).
The big surprise, which was slated for summer 2006, was unveiled earlier this month - a new design. There was a thread made, but it didn't receive much attention, and it's really a very nice layout. The sister site (pun intended) is looking sharp as well.
I was starting to forget about this thing, until Gary made a super-hype post over at an unnamed forum. Their biggest promise is, by far, "500+ grabpics." I assume Adam is both frightened by the competition and angered by the wording. Wink.
OMS, without a doubt by now one of my favorite sites, has put its version 1 design into the layout rotator, and, this came as a surprise to me: it's pretty damn good. Was John just born with this stuff in his mind? He's one of the few webmasters whose designs I not only admire but anticipate.
I'm disappointed in Adam for selling out like this. Sure, bandwidth is expensive these days, but you could have at least done the honorable thing and put up distracting iPod popup ads. You're better than this, man, come on. [/lame OT-style sarcasm]
This site hasn't gotten much publicity, and it really isn't half-bad. It needs to find a personal style, so it can have a real hook on visitors. Other than this, the only big flaw is that it reminds me of SIP, which, I am not embarassed to say, makes me cry like a little girl.
The verdict is in: I'm not the only OFF-community-commentator, but I am the lamest. Check out The Simpsons Home Radio to see what real dedication is. Say what you want about Brad Clarke - he can gossip on webmasters with the best of them.
Is it just me, or does this place need a redesign badly? The content is great, and it would be top 25 material, but the whole layout is just as unfriendly as can be. Johnsy, please, do a redesign. Light colors are your friend.
ALL of the subhosted sites are back up at By my count, that's twenty-two fansites that have returned. Several are just teasers or not worth mentioning, but some major players were affected.
I consider myself in-the-know, and I think most of you do too, but I'd never seen this site until I was going through all the SC subsites. It's fantastic. A lot of the stuff is just standard, but three or four of the sections are absolutely worth checking out.
Another sub-central site of interest is this page, all about season four's Homer the Heretic. The guy pretty much ravaged the episode for content, and it shows. A worthy site for one of the best episodes ever.
David's dedication to the 51st state is slowly climbing up the quality ladder. As a lot of you know, I'm not a big fan of media-based websites, but this one has some quality pieces; I absolutely fell in love with an image of Bart the Raven they have.
Breaks are soooo 2005. It's a website. It isn't television. If the host is in order, and content exists, the website should be online. What is this day of rest shit, man?
I stumbled upon this teaser page, and I'm somewhat excited. I hope I remember to keep visiting this link, because I haven't heard any mention of it elsewhere. It says "coming soon," though so does this.
The suave guerrier, who has often been described as 'a mixture of Clint Eastwood and Marlon Brando' has finally blessed up with a teaser page. One viewer described it quite gracefully: "I'm scared. I'm scared and I'm shocked. There used to be a thing called limits. What happened to boundaries? It's like this guy doesn't play by anybody's rules but his own."

coming soon pages
If the content isn't ready, don't talk about it. Take a tip from the big three - never use placeholder pages. It doesn't build up interest in the section; if anything, it does the opposite.

first church of jouni declared the correct religion by space pope
I don't know how many of you have wandered into the Off-Topic sections here lately, but it's something like angry indie-nerds meet the wolfman. Levin has been sketchy in his duties, and I think I speak for everyone when I say Eric is my daddy (in a Spanish accent). "Good Simpsons Sites" is one of the definitive links lists, and if it weren't for Eric, this place probably would have been renamed Krustylu Studios Minute-by-Minute Coverage.

slobodan milosevic is dead
Slobodan Milosevic, war criminal and co-founder of the popular site An Itch to Scratch died this morning. He was widely known as a big Simpsons fan, and began posting on in 1997. His political history is somewhat disgraceful, but I don't think anyone can deny his dedication to The Simpsons.

bravent? did I miss something?
Am I the only one that completely abhorrs Bravent and all its knockoffs? Even when I was clueless in PHP, I was embarassed to use these sort of things. I suppose it's alright to use it for your own personal research, but there are dozens of sites that use it as their public counters. Faux pas.

jonah flynn strikes back
Jonah Flynn (I'm pretty sure that's an alias), owner of the defunct Springfield Shopper, made an announcement back in November that he might be trying to get back into the community. His words were vague, but, from what I can gather, it looks like it'll be a mini-return, in the style of Ludvigsen's recent SimpsonsRanked.


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