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In the Community
Breaking News 2/07 (17 replies/274 views)
CAIRO, EGYPT - For the past few months '' has hosted a teaser page. No information has gone out as to what it will be.

It's a reincarnation of The Springfield Connection (a la source: Mr. X).

Other Headlines:
- Krustylu Studios shutting down to make way for Nickeloden page?
- Tim sucked back in.
- Key to Springfield promises grand opening and fiscal responsibility by 2010.
- For those who don't rule.
- Simpsons Home returns to trumpeteers and strange animals from conquered territories.
- When Bongos Collide redesigning. Guaranteed pretty. Sign up for his newsletter - good value.
- Behind the Laughter closes.
- Butch Cassidy and the Youtube Kid lynched.


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Bethlehem, PA