In the Community |
August 2005 (30 replies/620
Note: This issue was done by Homer the Moe.
Simpsons Top 100 has returned to the web
in a much more simplified form. It now focuses on webnews and lists,
without bothering with member accounts and reviews. A mega list update
with this redesign saw 27 sites shut down, although since the update
some of them have contacted Bryan to tell them they've changed address.
Apparently, another list update will follow some time soon.
Springfield Indulgence
has redesigned and has added other aspects of multimedia such as audio
and video. The design is purple and simple, which suits the site nicely.
Old Man Simpson
redesigned today with a similar layout but a different style. They have
also integrated a CSS style switcher to select different colours or even
select Version 2.0 as your default design.
Springfield Connection also redesigned yesterday to celebrate
it's one year anniversary. It now sports a light-blue simple design,
aswell as a new forum called
Comic Book Store which opened just over a fortnight ago.
Black & White
Simpsons is a new and original site, allowing visitors to
download black and white images for them to colour in. Nice to see some
originality in the community =D
Behind the Laughter is still down while Jon is teaching at summer
Springfield! Springfield! also redesigned earlier in July. It
has a much wider content area, and is a blue design which fits the site
nicely. Johnsy has also been making loads of multimedia for the site.
Last Exit to Springfield,
on the subject of multimedia, has returned to uploading quotes for all
of the season 16 episodes aswell as framegrabs from earlier seasons made
by Adam. The updates at LETS have been huge recently, worth checking
The Simpsons
Grabpic Showcase has also recently opened its doors, and is
currently building up its unique style of grabpics with daily updates
Simpsons Site also nudged its way into the spotlight recently.
It isn't really a comeback, seeing as how it's been online for a long
time, but it has modified its design and host, and still has loads of
great content. It also modified it's design recently again for a larger
content area.
Whooh. Sorry I've been away for a fortnight :S
Simpson Crazy have made a huge update. In related news, 742 is
Springshield has also been redesigned |
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